My Politics

I have broken my promises, shattering any illusions that you may (not) have had about my integrity as a person. I have failed to update this webiste.

Two years ago when I last updated this site I had dreams. My knowledge and wisdom were to cross all the oceans of the Earth in a tidal wave of enlightenment via the medium of the internet. I have failed. In all that great time I have posted but one opinion of mine(see below). I apologise to the world for the armageddon I have initiated.

On the eleventh of September, a right wing terrorist group, now thought to be the Al Queida organization, flew two hijacked planes into the twin towers of the world trade centre, killing 3000 people. This was not just the isolated bigotry of one deranged religious maniac, nor was it solely the work of an evil and sadistic terror network. This tragedy was the result of the oppression inflicted upon two thirds of the earth's people by the American and Western European economic empire. I cannot condone the attack, but I believe that compared to the disgusting hypocrisy and evil cyncism of American government, it could well be seen as a fair warning given the circumstances.

The Taliban administration, Saddam Hussein, Robert Mugabe and others like them are all products of shady American and European arms deals, imperialist aggression and direct intervention on the part of Whitehouse operatives. It is not surprising then, that allowed to fester in the evil America has left them in, these people attempt to bite the hand that has fed them.

After World War two, the British empire had collapsed and the territories were effectively sold to the Americans. But instead of oppressively ruling these countries like the British did, the Americans sold the land back to its rightful owners. However, as each nation's rightful owners had previously been slaves, they had no capital and therefore no way to pay. The result was that America "loaned" them the money, saddling them with impossible debts which they had accrued on their own land. Added to by the deliberate manipulation of the IMF and World Bank (who intentionally lent money to despots and right wing groups in order to unseat their more popular communist rivals), the continents of Africa, Asia and South America have become bankrupt. We may send them a few million in scrag ends each year, but we take away trillions in loan interest. African countries are forced to use their only fertile land to grow cash crops for Europeans, whilst in Brazil the forests are cut away to support cattle for Macdonalds.

The situation is worse now than it has ever been, it is the responisibilty of white American men in the Whitehouse, the pentagon and the heads of their immoral and evil corporations. I have oversimplified and understated the problems here, I have condensed a catalogue of cynical and barbaric decisions into a few paragraphs, but this is the truth, and no-one ever listens. This war is not a war on terror, it is a war on desperation. It is a war that will only serve to escalate the revenge that the third world will have on their captors. In the end, this empire will fall at the hands of its victims, for better or for worse, and the self-righteous Western hypocrits will meet the same "justice" that they are serving upon the Afghans.

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